
What is Pixel?

Pixel is a state-of-the-art laser skin resurfacing procedure that delivers microscopic zone of energy to the skin. The fractioning laser technology is able to target smaller areas of the skin with each laser pass, which makes the healing time much faster with far less downtime since Pixel does not target the entire skin surface like older resurfacing lasers do.

Is it Safe?

Pixel was designed with safety in mind and has minimal side effects and risks. Pixel offers rapid healing and minimal downtime and is well tolerated and virtually pain free to most patients. Unlike traditional laser skin resurfacing procedures , Pixel eliminates side effects such as hypo- or hyper-pigmentation, post-procedure infections, swelling, redness, or edema.

How Does it Work?

The Pixel laser stimulates new rapid collagen growth which smoothens and tightens skin. The laser creates a large number of tiny holes in the skin that work to remove the top layer of the skin, while the surrounding skin cells remain intact. This technology that leaves the surrounding cells intact allows for faster healing time since the normal skin surrounding the laser hot spots promotes more effective tissue healing and collagen production.
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Who is a Candidate for IPL?

Pixel is an ideal laser peel treatment for anyone with skin irregularities such as sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, resistant pigmentation, acne scars, roughened textures, enlarged pores, and sometimes loose skin.

Is it Painful?

Pixel is very well tolerated by most patients and virtually pain free. Regardless, your provider will apply a topical numbing agent prior to the laser peel to virtually eliminate any feeling of pain. Patients with deep wrinkles or scars may experience a bit more pain and heat during the procedure than others with superficial irregularities. During the laser skin resurfacing procedure, you will feel a mild stinging sensation followed by warmth with each pulse. After the laser peel, your skin might feel tight with a mild sunburnt sensation, but this generally subsides in a couple of hours at most.

How Long Does Pixel Take?

Pixel is a very quick procedure. The amount of time it takes depends on the size of the area to be treated, with smaller areas taking about 5-10 minutes and larger areas taking up to about 30 minutes. Since your provider will apply numbing cream, please allow an extra ten minutes prior to starting the Pixel treatment to allow the topical numbing cream to become effective.

What Areas of the Body can be Treated With Pixel?

Pixel can treat almost any area of the body. The most common area treated are those that are most prone to sun damage and aging effects, such as the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands.

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What is the Recovery From Pixel Like?

After your treatment, you should expect the area to be a bit red and swollen for the first 24-48 hours. 3-4 days after your treatment, your skin will begin the flake and peel, especially during cleansing of the skin. For facial pixel treatments, the area is usually healed after about 5 days. For pixel treatments elsewhere on the body, healing can take longer because the skin turns over more slowly and not as many oil glands are present. It is important to keep your skin moisturized and safe from sun exposure. Use of an SPF of 30 or higher is recommended at all times. You should also drink plenty of water to keep your skin well hydrated.

What do I Need to do to Prepare for a Pixel Treatment?

Prior to a Pixel treatment, you should refrain from sun exposure- tanning beds included- and use plenty of sun protection if the area is exposed to sunlight at all. You should also hydrate well since hydrated skin heals more quickly and is healthier overall.

When Will I See Results?

The majority of patients see results within one week of the treatment when it comes to skin texture, tone, and pigmentation. Your skin should appear brighter, fresher, and more relaxed. Improvements in fine lines and wrinkles and looseness of the skin normally takes multiple sessions to see. Since Pixel promotes continuous new collagen growth, improvements will continue to be seen up to about four to six months after your final treatment. will yield brighter, fresher, and more relaxed skin.

What Should I Expect at My Appointment?

At Cloud Med Spa. the doctor will meet with you and assess your problem areas, your skin type and tone, and determine proper laser settings for skin safety. You will then have a topical numbing agent applied which takes about 10-15 minutes to activate. Your provider will then apply a gel to the surface of your skin and run the laser over your target area. After your procedure, your provider will remove any gel used during the treatment from your skin and will provide you with any specific post-procedural instructions.

How Much Does Pixel Cost?

The cost of Pixel treatment varies from person to person depending on the size of the area and how many sessions are required to reach desired results. Please give us a call or send us an email to receive a quote for your specific inquiry. Discounts are given for packages or sessions purchased in bulk. Please don’t forget to ask about any promotions we are running. If you consent to participate in our “model release” we may offer additional discounts on your treatment or package!


If you are ready to take back control over your skin, we are here to help. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about your options and get started on your personalized treatment in Beverly Hills.

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Picture of World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon Brent Moelleken

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

Brent Moelleken, M.D., F.A.C.S.