
Pigmentation Treatments in Beverly Hills

Concerns with uneven skin pigmentation are one of the most common targets of treatment for your patients. We understand how uneven pigmentation can negatively affect how you feel about your skin and your appearance. That is why Cloud Med Spa offers a range of pigmentation treatments in Beverly Hills to help you achieve clear skin you can feel proud of.

What is Hyperpigmentation?

Pigmentation is the color of an individual's skin tone. As for melanin, it is a pigment that is formed by a group of cells. And it is this group of cells that determines the color of your skin. When one area of your skin produces more melanin, it causes the skin in that area to darken compared to the rest of your body. This occurrence is called hyperpigmentation or "dark spots."
Although dark spots can be harmless, there often can also be an underlying medical condition. Dark spots can occur on any part of the body and for a variety of reasons. The most affected areas are the face, arms, and legs, especially where the body tends to be most exposed to sunlight. Changes to the body, damaged cells, or sun exposure are a few of the most common causes of uneven skin pigmentation. A few examples of uneven pigmentation are melasma, age spots, or sunspots. But Cloud Med Spa is here to help you take back control over your skin and achieve an even tone you feel comfortable in.
Stock image of a girl front facing by touching her right hand fingers on her chin


Pigmentation Treatments and FAQs

What Is Advanced Fluorescence Technology?

AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is a low-energy light facial laser procedure. This procedure removes damaged skin caused by sun exposure. AFT Laser targets dark spots on the skin, as well as redness and broken capillaries. It also treats more aggressive conditions such as Rosacea.

What is Melasma?

Melasma occurs as dark patches on the face. Hormonal changes that occur in the body can cause this in most cases. Pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapies are some primary leading causes that lead to this pigmentation concern.

How Can I Treat Hyperpigmentation?

At Cloud Med Spa, we offer a variety of treatments for pigmentation concerns anywhere on the body. Our goal is to reduce and remove the appearance of dark spots through comfortable, non- surgical treatments. Our highly trained and educated staff will tailor the right treatment for you.
Melanin production in your skin protects you from UV rays from sun exposure. The extent of sun exposure damage varies on the individual's skin color and history of long-term exposure. Topical treatment then is often the first line of defense. Yet, when these options fail, our advanced treatments can reduce the appearance of sunspots.

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Intense pulsed light (IPL) treats various skin types for aesthetic purposes across a range of skin concerns. IPL Photofacial treatment can also treat acne to achieve skin that is both clear and even tone.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can treat dark spots by removing the top layer of damaged skin and allowing your body to replace it with new, healthy skin. This procedure strips the top layer of the discolored skin, removing unwanted melanin or damaged cells. The new skin forms, reducing the appearance of dark spots and looking more vibrant overall.


Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure to rejuvenate the appearance and feel of your skin anywhere on the body. It exfoliates and removes the topmost layer of the affected skin through a gentle process. The procedure is ideal for treating light scarring, discoloration, and more skin concerns.
The procedure can also be great for helping lighten post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The most common causes for the skin to darken are from acne, burns, or injuries. When trauma to the skin occurs, the body releases inflammatory cells. These cells cause melanocytes to produce more pigment in the skin. The procedure loosens and removes dead skin cells to reveal younger looking cells.

Chemical Peels vs. Microdermabrasion

Chemical peels are a more efficient treatment than microdermabrasion for hyperpigmentation. However, microdermabrasion is a physically abrasive exfoliant that works on the surface level. Chemical peels work more subtly and deeper in the skin. Choosing the right option depends on your unique situation and your goals.
Both treatments carefully remove the outer layer of skin. By doing so, this allows the skin cells to regenerate and restore your skin to a more vibrant state. Both treatments can irritate sensitive skin that is prone to scarring and inflammation. Those with darker skin tones should not use deep peels. Microdermabrasion, however, can work with almost any skin type or tone.

How to Prevent Pigmentation?

There are different preventative ways to reduce the appearance of darkened skin. Avoiding the sun is the easiest way. Sunscreen and sun protection can prevent further damage. Using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater can protect the skin. Wearing brim hats and long sleeve shirts can block sun exposure.


At Cloud Med Spa Beverly Hills, our staff can work with you to determine the best preventative care. We will customize your treatment based on the seriousness of the pigmentation. Contact us by phone or using our online form to set up your consultation and get started on pigmentation treatment in Beverly Hills today.

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World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

Brent Moelleken, M.D., F.A.C.S.